Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

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  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Ms. Janet K. Schenk
Mrs. Leslie Schenker
Taen Scherer
Maxine Schindelman
Robert J. Schloss and Emily M. Sack
Emily Schmitt-Matzen, DVM, MPH, EIS '20
Ann Marie Schmitz, DVM, EIS '05
Gretchen Schneidau
Mr. John Schnitker and Ms. Elizabeth Weaver
Charles Schofield
Taylor and Kimberly Schollmaier / Schollmaier Family Fund
Mark Schonbeck
Lawrence B. Schonberger, MD, MPH, EIS '71 and Rachel Schonberger
Garry and Margaret Schoonover
Mr. James Paul Schrementi Sr.
Caroline Schrodt
Dr. Betsy Schroeder, EIS '16
Jeff and Brenda Schroeder
Kenneth W. and Lorraine B. Schuette
Dr. Jeffrey Schulden
Patti Schuldenfrei
Sara Schutzman and Joshua Margolis
Janet S. and Jonathan R. Schwartz
Lori Schwartz, MD
Matthew D. Schwartz
Noah Schwartz, MD, EIS '19 and Hila Calev
Mrs. Alicia Schwarzlose
Ms. Cornelia Schweigler
Joshua Sciandra
Ms. Kathryn Scott
Dr. Curtis Lee Scribner Sr.
Ruth Sechena, MD, MPH, EIS '84 and John Sechena, DDS
Jeffrey Seiken
Amy E. Seitz, PhD, MPH, EIS '16
Jim Sejvar, MD, EIS '00
Paul Seligman, MD, MPH, EIS '83 and Martha Landesberg
William and Ola Seng
Irene Senter
S. Gary and Lisa Serbin / Wasserman Serbin Fund
Eric M. Sergienko, MD, MPH, EIS '04
Ms. Laura Shaddak
H. Jean Shadomy
Suzanne Shaeffer
Jerri and Bob Shaer
Ginny Shaller
Anqi Shang
Constance Shapiro
Ron and Emme Shapiro / Shapiro Charitable Foundation
Talia Shapiro
Amelia and Earl Sharar
Katherine H. Sharp
Robert G. Sharrar, MD, EIS '67 and Karen M. Sharrar
Michael Shasby, MD, EIS '75 and Sandra Shasby
Sierra Shear
Janet Shechter
Dr. Abigail Shefer, EIS '94
Catherine N. Shelton, PhD
Mr. Ming Shen
Tian Shen
Lawrence S. Sher
Deb and Rens Sherer
Ms. Corinne C. Sherton
Fangqun Shi
John Shoemaker
Lynn Shoemaker
Sonya Shooshan
Marsha F. Shrago
Ms. Carrie Shriver
Ruth Shults, PhD, MPH, EIS '90 and Charlie Bradley
Ms. Anna Shuster
Paul Z. Siegel, MD, MPH, EIS '88
Linda Sigman / Sigman Family Fund
Karen Siladi
Alin Silcock
Modris Silkens
Mr. David Silver Sr.
Sala and Ira Simonds
R. J. Simonds, MD, EIS '90 / RJ's Charity Fund
Kathleen E. Simons
Dr. Bill and Elaine Simpson
Jennifer Sinatra, DVM, MPH, EIS '17
Julie Rae Sinclair, DVM, MPH, EIS '04
Michael C. Sinclair, MD, EIS '67
Dana Singfield
Dr. Brajendra Kumar Singh
Mr. Sangharsh Singh
Tushar Singh, MD, PhD, EIS '14
Theresa Sipe, PhD, MPH and George Sipe
Stephen P. and Betty M. Sissom
Kevin and Denise Skalsky Cavanagh / Cavanagh Skalsky Giving Fund
Jacek Skarbinski, MD, EIS '05
Martin D. Skinner, MD, EIS '68 and Julie Swanson Skinner
Bernard and Sally Sklar / Bernard and Sally Sklar Charitable Fund
Steven and Susan Sklar
Iva Skobic
Sally A. Slavinski, DVM, MPH, EIS '99
Michelle Sloan
Mr. Mitchel Slomiak / Mitchel J. Slomiak Tzedekah Fund
Sandra Slomin
Michael and Judith Smathers / Smathers Giving Fund