Business Pulse: Five Ways CDC Protects the Health of Your Business

As I become more familiar with the work of the CDC Foundation, I’m learning that our online Business Pulse series offers business leaders a useful snapshot of the myriad ways the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) makes a difference in the workplace. Because I worked at CDC before joining the CDC Foundation last month, I’m already very familiar with the agency’s life-saving mission. Now, though, I’m discovering a new perspective about CDC’s importance to business. 

To that end, today’s launch of Business Pulse: 5 Ways CDC Protects the Health of Your Business is particularly relevant to U.S. employers. This issue focuses on the timely topics of emergency preparedness and response, travelers’ health, global health security, food safety and flu prevention. We know from our interactions with our partners and board members that these are areas of CDC’s work that are important to business leaders.

For example, in light of disease threats such as MERS, Ebola, and Zika, business travelers want to know how to protect themselves from diseases and other health risks around the globe. Foodborne outbreaks are another key business concern, especially with 1 in 6 Americans affected by foodborne illness each year and the subsequent impact on employee health and productivity. Employers also turn to CDC for help with health-related emergency responses, advice for preventing flu in the workplace and protection from global health threats that can impact the economy. 

We encourage corporate leaders—and anyone interested in CDC’s work with business—to explore this issue’s interactive infographicadvice from CDC experts and practical CDC guidelines and tools to learn more about CDC’s efforts to protect the health of employees and their families, reduce workplace health costs and improve productivity.

The health of an organization can have a dramatic impact on business continuity and economic security. I truly believe that organizations that understand the link between the global economy and the health of their employees can better compete and prosper, both here in the United States and in countries around the world. This issue of Business Pulse highlights the wide range of resources CDC offers to businesses to safeguard their workers at home and abroad.

Dr. Judy Monroe
Judy Monroe, MD, is president and CEO of the CDC Foundation.