Augmenting Evidence of CDC’s HI-5 Initiative

​In recent years, the United States has experienced reductions in public health resources at all levels and continuing changes to the health system. These factors make it increasingly important that state and local decision-makers are proficient identifying and implementing high-impact, cost-effective approaches to address the drivers of poor health and high costs. To better support partners and decision-makers in these efforts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed the Health Impact in Five Years (HI-5) Initiative. The HI-5 Initiative shifts the focus beyond traditional clinical approaches to health and explores social and environmental approaches that improve population health. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the CDC Foundation examined the role of public health in two of the HI-5 interventions: Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and introduction and expansion of public transportation systems.

Earned Income Tax Credit

One effective policy intervention for some working families is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). EITCs help eligible families in several ways—from putting money back in the pockets of working people, to reducing food insecurity, to boosting savings and helping people accumulate other assets, to freeing up money for childcare expenses, medical care and healthy food.

It’s important for public health practitioners to understand the benefits of EITCs. EITCs help low-to-moderate-income working people keep more of the money they earn by reducing the taxes they owe. 

The CDC Foundation published its Earned Income Tax Credit Action Guide for public health care professionals. This guide includes information on EITCs, how EITCs keep more families and children above the poverty line and their link with positive health outcomes, especially among mothers and children. The CDC Foundation's goal for this guide is to educate public health practitioners on the benefits of EITCs and provide them with the data to inform families, partners, advocates and legislators.

Public Transportation Systems

Another effective policy intervention for individuals and communities is the introduction and expansion of public transportation systems. Increasing access to frequent, reliable public transportation can lead to fewer traffic vehicle crashes, better air quality and increased physical activity. Even people who don’t use public transportation benefit from less traffic congestion, less pollution and lower community costs for healthcare.

The CDC Foundation published its Public Transportation Action Guide for public health care professionals. This guide includes information about why public health should join forces with public transportation and how public health practitioners can bolster public transportation systems. 


View/Download the HI-5 Field Report (PDF)

View/Download a partner promotion package (PDF) containing a variety of materials to help share HI-5 guides and resources with partners. Please feel free to customize these materials as needed.

Learn More: EITC

Learn More: Public Transportation