Press Releases

New Hand Hygiene Campaign Promotes Community Health to Reduce Illness and Infection

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), handwashing can prevent one in three cases of diarrhea and one in five respiratory infections, such as a cold or the flu. To improve community hand hygiene, the CDC Foundation collaborated with CDC’s Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch to develop a new suite of handwashing materials that encourage adults to make handwashing and hand sanitizing a healthy habit, with special emphasis on parents and caregivers, people cooking at home, and people using public restrooms.

Data Released Today Shows 2,100 Maternal Deaths Potentially Averted in Kigoma, Tanzania, Through Focus on Maternal Health

A region in Tanzania that focused on improving obstetric care services potentially averted an estimated 2,100 maternal deaths between 2011–2018, according to data released today by the CDC Foundation. The data include the results of treatment provided by all emergency obstetric care facilities in the Kigoma Region, where maternal deaths were among the highest in Tanzania, a nation which has the sixth highest number of maternal deaths in the world. 

Expansion of Clean Hands Count Campaign Reaches New Healthcare Audiences, Includes Educational Materials in Spanish

Keeping hands clean by practicing hand hygiene is one of the most important steps to take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. In recognition of World Hand Hygiene Day, the CDC Foundation is pleased to announce a new phase in a program aimed at improving hand hygiene in healthcare and community settings with continued support from GOJO and a new partner, Staples.