Call Centers Accelerate Response to the Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone

This week in the SaportaReport, the CDC Foundation posted a blog from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Center for Global Health about the crucial role of call centers in responding to the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone.

Nearly one year after Ebola began to surge in West Africa, work continues on the ground to contain remaining cases and prevent the disease's return. With generous support from donors, the CDC Foundation was able to fund call centers in Guinea and Sierra Leone. 

These call centers provide critical infrastructure as CDC and local staff respond to Ebola. The information from the call centers notifies ambulances of potential cases, assists with surveillance and triggers alerts for burial teams and other response activities. 

Learn more about the life-saving role of the call centers on the SaportaReport Global Health blog

Photos: © David Snyder/CDC Foundation

Natalie Duggan is a communications specialist for the CDC Foundation.