It Takes All of Us to Combat COVID-19; Thanks to Lysol for $2 Million Match

All of us are concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. All of us are affected. And all of us can make a difference. In a state of emergency, it takes a world—ALL OF US—to combat coronavirus. Last week, the CDC Foundation announced the launch of a crowdfunding campaign aimed at raising hundreds of millions dollars needed to bolster public health response efforts to address the pandemic, which has been declared a national emergency by the president of the United States. This week, we announced that Lysol has donated a $2 million matching contribution, and we are grateful for this generous gift.

Funding from the campaign will be used to support the CDC Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund to address a wide variety of in-the-moment, on-the-ground needs from public health responders, at the local, state, national and international level. Lysol’s donation will help fill gaps and mobilize resources to address fast emerging needs posed by the virus with a preference toward supporting schools, students and children.

In the campaign, which is themed “All of Us: Combat Coronavirus,” the CDC Foundation is working with, a global crowdfunding firm with a track record of helping nonprofits fundraise rapidly and successfully. The campaign involves fundraising, media and social media to raise support for the COVID-19 emergency response. The campaign also has a unique focus on team-based fundraising for organizations to engage their workforces.

This pandemic represents the perfect example of the need for donations from individuals, philanthropies and corporations that are filling critical gaps and making a tremendous difference. It will take all of us to combat coronavirus. Join us today.

Laura Croft
Laura Croft is the chief advancement officer for the CDC Foundation.