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Building a Network: Project in Indonesia Strengthens Surveillance in Face of COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, one of the greatest challenges was presenting a united healthcare response across 14,000 islands, 514 districts and 35 provinces. But as president of the Indonesia Epidemiological Association (PAEI), it was a challenge Dr. Hariadi Wibisono had faced before.

COVID-19 Corps: Dedicated to Detroit

Public-health professionals in the Motor City are helping out their hometown and making a difference as part of the COVID-19 Corps—with support from the CDC Foundation and TikTok.

Non-Traditional Path Leads New Doctor to Tribal Lands for COVID-19 Relief Efforts

“This is my gap year,” says recent graduate Anya Bazzell, MD. But it’s certainly not a year off, as in August, Bazzell relocated to Martha’s Vineyard to serve as the case investigator/contact tracer team lead for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah).

Stopping the Spread: Community Testing Uncovers Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carriers

"When COVID hit," says Tena Tiruneh of Heart to Heart International, "we asked ourselves, ‘Where can we do the most good?' We decided to focus on those who were asymptomatic because they could be the main factor in the spread of the virus and didn’t even know it.”

Contact Tracing A Key Tool in Fight Against COVID-19 For Diverse Communities

Since starting her work at the Santa Clara County Health Department, contact tracer Karem Valenzuela has seen first-hand how much of an impact her work can have on the community.

Arresting the Spread: Fighting COVID in Jails

With correctional facilities nationwide accounting for more than 80% of the largest COVID-19 outbreaks, the need for guidance was great—particularly in Detroit, one of the big cities where it hit early. Meet the groundbreaking partnership that formed in response.

An Epidemiologist Gets to the Core of an Orchard Outbreak

Vermont has been one of the most successful states in the nation when it comes to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. That's in no small part due to the team at the Vermont Department of Health, and their quick work in stopping outbreaks in their tracks.

Super Tracers Assemble in Pennsylvania

This tight-knit team of ten COVID-19 Corps members didn’t know each other before joining the CDC Foundation initiative—but now they’ve become known in Pennsylvania public-health circles as “The Super Tracers.”